Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rear Wheel

Rear wheel laced and ready to be trued.
Amazingly, I didn't have to tear this one apart to start over even once!
It's amazing for two reasons,

  1. I'm generally incompetent
  2. 2. A rear wheel uses two different lengths of spokes; drive side & non- drive side. This is due to the amount of "dish" required to keep the center of the rear hub in line with the center line of the bike. If I'm going to screw something up, give me two mis-matched parts and a lack of clear instructions, turn me loose and watch the "magic" happen. Again, amazingly, the dish is correct before tuning!

I'm off to buy powerball tickets, just in case!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Front Wheel

It's been awhile since my last update. I had to let the bank account catch up ;) So, I've purchased a few tasty items to use on the bike, most of all, Wheels! Velocity Dyad 700c 36Hole MSW.

I decided I'd build the wheels up myself, just for the learning experience. It was only a $50.00 difference between building them myself, and having a shop do it. To be honest, I should have gone with the shop option as it took a good 6 hours of assembling, evaluating, disassembling, reassembling, etc.
I'm not sure the $50.00 savings was worth the frustration.

Anyway, the front wheel is laced. Since I'm a bit of a fatty, I laced it cross 4, which is supposedly stronger than cross 3 which is the most common lacing pattern.
I still need to tune the wheel, but I'm so tired of fooling with it right now, I'm going to take the rest of the night off. I also need to build the rear wheel, but that's going to have to wait for another day.

Once I've built both wheels, I'll be able to line up the p-clips for my racks a little more accurately, and take the frame in to have brazeons installed, which is a whole rant in itself. Stupid bike company building a road bike without even water bottle brazeons.

That's all for tonight, I think. Have a good weekend and Merry Christmas everyone!